A week in my life part 2

Navigating routine, work, and self-care in Siem Reap. From creative Mondays to social Wednesdays and Fridays filled with meaningful connections. Balancing it all while finding joy in each day.

A week in my life part 2
Photo by Jazmin Quaynor / Unsplash

Date Thursday

It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.
— Germany Kent

This Thursday was very straightforward, with the same routines as the previous days: waking up way too early, meditation, getting ready, drinking coffee, booking the airplane tickets to go back to Belgium, and going to the gym, Thursday, I train my arms and abs. Afterward, we go grab some lunch. We went to Try Me, an all-time favorite restaurant of mine in Siem Reap. I always go for the Khmer Curry there.

I taught 3 hours online. The level of my students can be very different. One of my students is just starting, so we go over the basics and repeat often. Other students are more fluent already, with them I can talk about a wide variety of topics, from philosophy to geopolitics.

Date night

For dinner Kiki and I went to Amici. This was a restaurant we hadn't tried out yet. They have killer pizzas with salmon! The first salmon I ate in Cambodia, it was truly delicious. They had live music going in the back and it was a nice place to be in general. Back home Kiki found some funny animal Tik Toks and we laughed all night long.

person using computer on brown wooden table
Photo by Robert Bye / Unsplash

Frenetic Friday

When you start to do the things that you truly love, it wouldn’t matter whether it is Monday or Friday; you would be so excited to wake up each morning to work on your passions. — Edmond Mbiaka

Friday was a very busy day, workwise. I had to teach for 5 hours, from 2 pm to 7 pm non-stop. Even though five hours of teaching without a break scares me a bit right before I start. However, when I'm teaching I completely lose track of time and I like to do it. The morning routine was very similar to the other days of the week. On Fridays, I don't go to the gym. I let my body rest for a day. This frees up some time to do something special. We met up with Linde and Joshua, Linde is a friend that we met in Siem Reap, she's from the Netherlands. We ate lunch together, had some nice talks, and everyone went on their way to work again.

Flowers in the street where I live

Before work, I walked around the block, to get some steps in today. In the street where I live, I noticed this electricity pole with beautiful pink flowers on it. This gave me even more motivation on top of the social interactions, to start teaching. how beautiful the world can be!

three clear glass cups with juice
Photo by Kobby Mendez / Unsplash

Preparation Saturday

Different cocktails for different Saturday nights. — Drew Barrymore

Saturday morning, I slept in finally. I woke up around 8 am. At 8.30, I did the meditation and breathwork. Around 9, Kiki and I were having a coffee and working. Saturday, for me, is still part of my workweek. It is our 'preparation day'. Saturday is the day I prepare all the classes that are already scheduled for the following week. When I'm finished with that, I edit my blog post for Sunday. It is just dotting the i's and crossing the t's. Saturday is also leg day in the gym, where we go before lunch. In the afternoon I have usually one, sometimes two online classes. Today I have only one from 4 pm to 5 pm.

Night out at Mex'd Up

For dinner, we met up with Chris, our friend and Kiki's boss. We ate at Street Three Eatery. It is a restaurant near the center of Siem Reap. It has a nice open space to sit and eat, with friendly staff and delicious food. The cocktails are amazing too. After dinner, we had some drinks at Mex'd Up. It is a bar/restaurant with delicious tacos and cocktails. We finished the evening in Spinbar, with even more great cocktails and good vibes! It was the perfect end of the workweek!

white ceramic teacup on brown wooden table
Photo by Na visky / Unsplash

Recharge Sunday

Do not let Sunday be taken from you. If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan. — Albert Schweitzer

On Sunday I slept in again, lucky me! Might have had something to do with the pub crawl yesterday. We had lunch with Joshua and booked a day trip for next week on Sunday, to Kulen Mountain. It's a sacred mountain not far from Siem Reap. It's where the stones from Angkor Watt come from, at the center of the ancient Khmer Empire. It is also the place where a lot of the kids from Kulen Outreach come from. The school where I volunteered. In the evening, we all went to get a full body massage. I didn't know that my body could be bent in so many ways! I felt great after the massage. It was an hour of deep relaxation and a great way to recharge.

purple petaled flower on water
Photo by Peter Nelson / Unsplash


In conclusion, my week is filled with routine, work, social interactions, and self-care in the vibrant city of Siem Reap. I live by the saying:

"The early bird gets the worm."

I kickstart my morning's kickstart by waking up early, meditating, and having coffee, setting a positive tone for the day. My week is packed with a mix of focused work on my blog, creating my online Dutch course, and teaching on the Preply platform. Each day holds its unique charm, from the creative Monday mornings to the deep dive into side projects on Tuesday.

I navigate my social life on Wednesday, exploring new places to eat and enjoying desserts. The week progresses with a steady rhythm, blending the familiar routines of waking up early, teaching, hitting the gym, and enjoying local cuisines.

I try to find a work-life balance, with Saturday serving as a preparation day, a time to ready myself for the upcoming week. The week concludes with a well-deserved Sunday recharge – a reminder to cherish moments of relaxation and self-care.

Throughout the week, I try to maintain an optimistic perspective, finding something good every day.

I prioritize balance, gratitude, and finding joy in the small moments.

Thank you for reading my blog this far, and following my journey. How did your week go? Let me know in the comments!