About me

Hello, I'm Dries

Welcome to my blog!

Hey friends. I am Dries. Recently, I moved from Belgium to Cambodia. Currently I'm a school director together with my partner Kiki. I love to travel, be active, ground in nature, and hang out with friends.

Interests and Hobbies

Quick Facts About Me

  1. I studied electricity in secondary education, graduating in 2016.
  2. I studied for the Bachelor of Energy Technologies for 3 years, before realizing that it wasn't something I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
  3. I enrolled in the Bachelor of Education: Secondary Education in 2019. I graduated with Honors in 2022.
  4. I went on an exchange program to Norway, where I met my partner Kiki. These 6 months were one of the most life-altering months of my life. With a big focus on self-development. It was during this time that I realized that traveling the world is not only a dream, it could become my reality.
  5. I am 25 years old. Born in November 1998 in Belgium. I currently live in Cambodia.

My path to becoming a digital nomad

My parents love to travel. Their love of travel inspired me to explore very early on. In the early years of my life, we went a lot to 'the mountains' in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and France. Those vacations were active, exploration, and hike-based.

My family went for more relaxing beach vacations when we grew older. The two types of vacations were both great, just different. We also went skiing once a year.

February 2019, Zillertal, Austria

Once I was old enough, I could go on ski trips as a ski instructor. It is safe to say that my passion for travel and exploration blossomed during these years. I caught myself longing and hoping to travel and explore on a more regular base in my life. Not only during the holidays but preferably daily. I flirted for a couple of years with the idea of becoming a digital nomad and traveling Europe by van. This always felt like an unobtainable dream to me.

When I was accepted into the exchange program in Norway, it felt surrealistic. My partner Kiki, who I met in Norway, has the same need to travel the world. Together we made plans, we got a great opportunity to volunteer in Cambodia.

Fast forward half a year, and now we are living and working here. I currently work both online and in an international school.

Getting closer to the dream of being free. Not to be bound to one location.

January 2022, Bergen, Norway

1998 - 2016

I was born in Belgium in 1998, I struggled to find my true calling at school until my third year of secondary education (9th grade). I discovered that I was good at explaining learning content to my classmates.

2016 - 2022

After finishing high school, I joined the University Odisee to study for a Bachelor's degree in energy technology. After three years, I figured that this was not something I saw myself doing for the rest of my life. I dropped out and enrolled in the University Vives to study for a Bachelor of Education: Secondary Education. I completed it in 2022, with honors.

2022 - 2023

In this period a lot happened. In the last semester of teacher training, I went on an exchange program to Norway. I met my partner Kiki and we were planning on doing the van life in Europe and exploring the world together. We met a lot of great people on the exchange program. It was then, when we were talking about exploring the world together, that an amazing and life-altering opportunity got on our path. We were invited to teach as volunteers in a school in Cambodia. We came back home from Norway and immediately started planning our next adventure.

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