Finding my heading 🌍

My blog post dives into my journey. It stresses my commitment to freedom as a primary goal. Traveling, for me is an investment in personal growth. Teaching is a dynamic exchange that keeps me learning.

Finding my heading 🌍
Photo by Lili Popper / Unsplash
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails. - William Arthur Ward

Returning and reaffirming

After three months of volunteering, we ran low on money. It was time to go home, but deep inside I think I realized already that this was not a goodbye but rather a see you soon. We arrived back in Belgium and immediately searched for a job. After 2 days, Kiki and I both found a job, in the same school nonetheless. We both worked in OKAN.

OKAN or "OnthaalKlas voor Anderstalige Nieuwkomers", is a system specialized for students who arrive in Flanders and don't know the language. It is a full immersion in the Flemish language and culture.

Our colleagues were amazing! I had a great time. I taught students ages 12 to 18, who had just arrived in Flanders and did not have the same alphabet as we do in Belgium. The students were grateful and motivated to learn. It reminded me a bit of working in Cambodia. They knew that I was helping them, and were motivated to learn. I felt that I was meaningful to them, and changed their life for the better. Even though I had a great time in the OKAN school, something was missing. Teaching in Belgium was not something I could do for a long time. This was another affirmation that I have to do something else. However, this was the best experience I had as a teacher in Belgium so far.

person holding compass
Photo by Denise Jans / Unsplash

Identifying the trajectory I am currently on

β€œSo many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality, nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.” - Christopher McCandless

It isn't always easy to identify what makes you unhappy. Nevertheless, I think it is an important step in the process of identifying what makes you happy and discovering what you want.

In the blog post "Why I need to travel" I identify the desire to break free from the societal rat race and predetermined milestones leading to a quest for a fulfilling and meaningful existence. Many people in their twenties share a sense of feeling lost due to societal expectations of having life figured out. The pressure to conform to societal norms and the lack of open discussions about uncertainties contribute to stress and isolation.

In the blog post "Why I continue to travel", I reflect on Belgium's teaching challenges and my experience as a language teacher in Cambodia. In Cambodia, the school fosters a communal, nature-integrated atmosphere, offering flexibility and peace. Contrasting educational approaches taught valuable lessons. The flexible and open work environment is a blessing to work in. A healthy atmosphere and nature all around you is not only good for your mental well-being but also fun to be in. These are all factors that reduce stress. However, it is not only positive. The lack of structure, which gives you a lot of flexibility on the one hand, can also be a reason for more stress. It is a balancing exercise.

man sitting on gray rock while staring at white clouds
Photo by Joshua Earle / Unsplash

Before my traveling, I was an optimist. I counted on and hoped even, that my life would change for the better. That I would have the freedom to travel, live, and enjoy my life on my terms. Without being pressured by society's demands. Being able to be meaningful to others and enjoy my job. Choosing my own hours and just being free. Now, I can say that evolved into a realist, adjusting the sails, instead of hoping for a wind of change. By stepping away from the security that a 9-5 offered, and going against the grain, I have no idea where I'll be in a few years.

Defining my heading.

Money is a tool, not a goal. Freedom is the goal. Don't forget that.

By doing a self-reflection from time to time, I gain insight into my experiences, choices, and the path I choose to tread. Reflecting on our past and present once in a while, I can make more conscious and intentional decisions. Regularly reflecting on your path and goals can help you stay aligned with your aspirations and make informed decisions.

The Essence of Freedom

The ultimate goal is to be free. To be free to prioritize my passions, on my own terms and timeline. Disconnected from a fixed location, free to roam the surface of the earth, wherever my heart desires. Enjoying the diverse landscapes and cultures that await me. This yearning for freedom isn't confined to holidays but manifests as a consistent thread woven into the fabric of my daily life. Travel, for me, is not just a pastime, it's an investment in personal growth, a transformative journey that extends beyond the mere act of visiting new locales.

Traveling is a transformative and enriching experience that goes beyond visiting new places. It empowers a mindset of curiosity, comprehension, and respect for the world and its inhabitants. Through my travels, I've embraced diverse cultures and ideas, gaining a nuanced perspective on the world that has broadened my horizons. It made me adapt regularly and at a fast pace. Which improved my flexibility and resilience. The wide range of people, landscapes, and customs encountered on my travels has deepened my appreciation for diversity. Above all, this odyssey has taught me the art of living in the present moment and recognizing the uniqueness of each experience along the way.

Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Photo by Vicky T / Unsplash

Doing what I love

The man who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after -Newton D. Baker

Help people learn and cultivate skills. Teaching isn't merely a profession; it's a passion to me. A source of joy from witnessing the growth of -and interacting with my students. Being an integral part of their learning journey is very rewarding.

An important part of being a teacher, and smoothening the learning process, is to provide a supportive, stress-free, and healthy learning environment that encourages both personal and academic development. Celebrating the achievements, big and small, forms an essential part of this journey. Encouraging my students, urging them to believe in their abilities and, in turn, witness the growth of their self-esteem.

To be a teacher, demands me to adapt and innovate constantly. Embracing new educational methodologies and incorporating innovative teaching techniques tailored to individual students, is an exciting aspect of the profession. This never-ending exploration of effective and engaging ways to impart knowledge fuels personal growth.

Teaching, to me, is not a one-way street. It's a dynamic exchange between teacher and student. This flow of information, ideas, and insights is what adds an extra layer of excitement to my passion. Every day is an opportunity to learn and grow, not just for my students, but for me as well.

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
Photo by Unseen Studio / Unsplash

Adjusting the sails

During this self-reflection, I reconnected and redefined the things I love and what I want to do. I redefined the dreams and recommitted to them. Keep in mind that true joy is found in the journey. The journey is already well begun. It is time to adjust the sails and the trajectory, that is the exercise I've written out for all of you to read. This exercise is something I recommend everyone to do from time to time. See if you are still going to a goal you want to reach. The heading might have changed, or you might want to adjust the sails a bit.

I'll go into more depth on the steps I am currently taking to reach my goals, and how I might want to adjust my sails to reach them.

black sailing boat digital wallpaper
Photo by Johannes Plenio / Unsplash