My Blog

Explore my blog for insights on continuous travel, remote work challenges, stress management through mindfulness, and language teaching services. Subscribe to follow my enriching journey.

My Blog
Photo by RetroSupply / Unsplash
It's not that you have something to say, it is to find out what you have to say.

Hello friends, welcome to my blog!

Here I will talk about things that happen in my life, or that might have been of interest to me and what you might find interesting as well. I'll categorize them, so you can select what interests you with just a few clicks.

The subjects I cover the most will be about my travels, adventures, and explorations 🌍, how to make money while traveling 💻, mindfulness during my travels 🧘, and teaching Dutch as a second language (NT2) 📚. Simply because these are the things that I am doing in my daily life and that interest me.

I feel that with my experiences and skillset, these topics will be most valuable for you.

the sun is setting over a mountain range
Photo by NEOM / Unsplash

Travels, adventures, and explorations 🌍

Every journey is a lesson, and every lesson becomes a journey!

I've been traveling for all my life. First during vacation days with my family. I prioritize traveling and exploration in my life. Simply because it is something that I enjoy doing. It is not a farfetched dream. It is a goal that everyone who wants to reach can reach. Just like any goal, it is simply a matter of prioritizing and spending time doing it. I am glad to say that now, traveling and exploring is my lifestyle.

MacBook Pro near white open book
Photo by Nick Morrison / Unsplash

Money talk 💻

Online work is not about location, it's about possibilities.

Living abroad seems very exotic and exciting, which it is of course, but it demands a lot of responsibility as well. To sustain this lifestyle and make a living whilst traveling. This was a leap of faith. We didn't stick to the original plan, we had to adapt, brainstorm, and think outside of the box. At this point of writing, I am only a couple of months into the remote working business. I am still a complete beginner. But I took the jump. Now I have started to make an income, I have started to grow, and I am looking for new opportunities to continue growing my business and as a person.

Further down the road, I will talk about what I do more in-depth, I'll share some thoughts, insights, and reflections with you on what I do, how, and when I do it, and why I do it this way. You can watch me grow, watch me make mistakes, and witness my learning curve.

person walking on beach during daytime
Photo by Ashley Batz / Unsplash

Mindfulness 🧘

Gravitate towards what energizes you.

Mindfulness is the systematic process of cultivating attention and awareness in your current environment without judgment. Regulating your attention and energy and therefore influencing the quality of your experiences and interactions. When you are fully aware of what you are doing, how you are doing it, and what there is to enjoy in it, your experience becomes that much more rich and productive.

Living abroad, a traveling, semi-nomadic lifestyle, there is a lot that can go wrong and eventually will go wrong. This goes hand in hand with stress and anxiety. You don't want that on a daily basis. To deal with all this stress, I try to incorporate mindfulness into my daily life. Just like any skill, this comes with a learning curve and ups and downs. Nevertheless, I feel that this lifestyle helps me regulate stress and live a meaningful life. It helps me on a personal level and a professional level.

love to learn pencil signage on wall near walking man
Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash

Teaching Dutch as a second language 📚

To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world. 

I am an online tutor and language teacher. First I thought that teaching English would give me lots of online opportunities. I found that teaching Dutch as a second language, as a native Dutch speaker from Flanders, was just what people were looking for. The online classes gave me the idea to make an online course for complete beginners to learn Dutch. At the end of the course, you'll have an A2-level understanding and proficiency in Dutch. You can find posts about the process of making this online course here.

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