The rebellion

After a peaceful day at Kulen Mountain, a crisis at the boarding school forced an urgent return.

The rebellion
Photo by Ma Ti / Unsplash

This chapter led me from the caterpillar stage right into the cocoon stage of the metamorphosis. In the caterpillar stage, everything was building up to the climax. The cocoon stage is when everything happens all at once. Which I will tell you all about in my following blog posts.

As you read in my last post, we thoroughly enjoyed our time in and around the waterfalls on Kulen Mountain. The next point on the agenda was to visit the pagoda near PreangThom. We walked back to the village and found the stairs leading up to the Reclining Buddha pagoda, located on the summit of the mountain. We walked up the green stairs, passing by little shops with local spices, local Cambodian snacks, handmade toys, wooden walking sticks, and other gadgets. The stairs are painted green by the children of the local community. The railing resembles the snake or Naga of Cambodian myths and legends.

The stairs leading up to the pagoda
The Naga, in Cambodia, is revered as the ancestor of the Cambodian people and the protector of the Buddha. In Buddhist belief, Nagas are often seen as local deities, with the belief being that they use their powers to assist people.

We saw the Buddha's footprint near the top of the mountain, and a linga to bless visitors of the pagoda. Next to the Linga, there are statues of Hindu gods like Ganesh, the elephant god. Under a cliff, there is another praying place facing a Buddha statue. With another flight of stairs, we reached the pagoda on top of the mountain, housing the Reclining Buddha. We followed the rituals a tour guide was explaining to tourists, walking in front of us, and gonged three times when we exited the pagoda - to let the spirits know that we were leaving.

Reclining Buddha

At the end of our eventful time at Kulen, we worked up an appetite and planned to order something to eat at a local restaurant on Kulen Mountain. We were debating on what to eat and ordered something to drink first. We all had coconuts and were talking about the day so far. All of a sudden Ro got a call from Bong Sourn, the chef at Kulen Outreach Boarding School.

This in itself is something special because there is usually no signal on Kulen Mountain. Sourn called Ro to tell her that something was going on. The male teacher had gathered all the students and forced them to write a letter to the founders and CEOs of the school in a fatal attempt to keep his job and the place where he lived.

He riled up the students and tried to let them rebel against the school with his interests in mind - forcing them physically and emotionally as the father figure in the boarding school, blackmailing and manipulating the students if they didn't obey him.

Turmoil accompanies every great change - Christopher Paolini

After hearing this, we jumped in the car and rushed back to the school. We tried to reach Gordon, but the signal had faded already. After the 2-hour car ride, we arrived at the school and saw most of the students in tears. We consoled them and tried to calm them down. By now it was clear to everyone that there was no going back for the teacher.

The events took place on the birthday of the male teacher. There were cake leftovers and crumbs everywhere. The two 'adults' had gathered their favorite students and had a little party in their room. When we entered the room, the walls were covered with some disgusting kind of spray slime. They hadn't bothered to clean up after themselves.

When the students were comforted and calmed, we called Gordon, and he invited us to eat dinner with him at his hotel and explained the events that happened during our absence. The teacher was fired but could stay in the school for a little longer to find another place to live. His wife could still keep teaching in the school.

From this point on, Kiki was promoted to School Director, and I was hired as Right-Hand School Director. Because of the actions that day, Gordon decided it was better for the couple to leave the school sooner rather than later.

The following day we got to the school fairly early to oversee Kiki's ex-colleague and his wife move out.